若想讀書,即令從片紙隻字也可以學到東西。就拿英文長篇小說而言,小說家如同一個會說故事的人;在他筆下,人物、情節、橋段一一鋪陳開來。故事雖長,但每天摘取一段來閱讀,積少成多,總有看完的時候。整本書閱畢,不但功力大增,且有成就感,更想再看第二本。何況小說是作者寫給大眾看的,用字不會太深,造句也不複雜,可說是平易近人。現在,姑且介紹美國的現代驚悚小說作家Dan Brown的作品Deception Point的片段,讓您瞧瞧──
“For years I have suspected proof was forthcoming,” the old man said. “I did not know how or when, but sooner or later we had to know for sure.”
Sexton was stunned. “You’re not surprised?”
“The mathematics of the cosmos virtually requires other life-forms,” the man said, moving toward Sexton’s den. “I am not surprised this discovery has been made. Intellectually, I am thrilled. Spiritually, I am in awe. Politically, I am deeply disturbed. The timing could not be worse.”
There are five kinds of apes in the world today. Two of them — gibbons and siamangs — are true swingers . They move by brachiation , swinging like pendulums from branch to branch. Their arms are exceedingly long, their hands and fingers elongated and specialized. Their bodies are short and light, their legs shrunken . With that design — a minimum of weight at the bottom of the pendulum — they can move remarkably rapidly through the trees, swinging from branch to branch with a sureness and smoothness that must be seen to be appreciated, often negotiating gaps of ten feet or more. When they come to the ground, which is almost never, gibbons stand erect , waddling along on their short, weak legs, holding out their long arms to either side for balance. A strolling gibbon reminds one of a tightrope walker.
► swinger n. 搖擺者 → swing搖擺+-er 人或東西
► elongated a. 細長的 → e-, intensive mood強調的意味+long長的+-at(e), to make,使…+-ed形容詞字尾
► shrunken 萎縮的,收縮的;shrink 收縮,縮小
► minimum 最少量,最低限度 → mini, small;minium,least最少(小)的
► sureness n. 確實 → sure確定的+-ness名詞字尾
► smoothness n. 平穩 → smooth平穩的+-ness名詞字尾
► erect a. 直立的 → e-,up + rect,to make straight 使直
► tightrope n. 鋼索 → tight緊的+rope繩索
.gibbon n. 長臂猿
.remarkably adv. 不尋常地,驚人地
.gap n. 間隙,缺口
.waddle v. 蹣跚地行走
.exceedingly adv. 非常,極其
.negotiate v. 越過,通過;磋商
.stroll v. 散步,閒逛
在下一期的TOEIC OK News雜誌裡頭,筆者將和讀者們談談「分類的閱讀」和閱讀的樂趣,請讀者們拭目以待!
【本文選自TOEIC OK News多益情報誌 No.13】
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